·2017.01-2020.12 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:北部湾大规模海水养殖环境效应与人体健康风险(41673105)
·2015.01-2018.12 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于环境基线的北部湾海岸带污染成因与演化趋势(41473118)
·2013.01-2016.12 主持国家自然科学基金项目:岩溶区持久性有机污染物源汇作用与降解动力学-以漓江流域为例(41273139)
·2014.01-2016.12 主持广西科学研究与技术开发项目:北部湾近海养殖污染防控技术在越南的推广示范(桂科合14125007-2-13)
·2010.03-2013.03 主持广西自然基金重大专项(北部湾重大基础研究专项)“北部湾经济区海陆环境污染源分布、污染物类型与污染物环境命运及模型建立(2010GXNSFE013006)”
·2010.01-2012.12 教育部重点科研项目“典型岩溶地区持久性有机污染物蒸馏效应(210161)”
1、Baoming Xue, Linlin Zhang, Ruilong Li, Yinghui Wang(通讯作者), Jing Guo, Kefu Yu, Shaopeng Wang. Underestimated Microplastic Pollution Derived from Fishery Activities and "Hidden" in Deep Sediment. Environmental Science Technology. 2020, 54, 2210-2217.
2、Jing Guo, Yinghui Wang(通讯作者), Junxiang Lai, Changgui Pan, Shaopeng Wang, et al. Spatiotemporal distribution of nitrogen biogeochemical processes in the coastal regions of northern Beibu Gulf, south China sea. Chemosphere, 2020, 239: 1-9.
3、Jing Guo, Costa OS, Yinghui Wang(通讯作者), Wuhui Lin, Shaopeng Wang, Bo Zhang, Yefeng Cui, Hao Fu. Accumulation rates and chronologies from depth profiles of Pb-210(ex) and Cs-137 in sediments of northern Beibu Gulf, South China sea. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2020, 213: 1-11.
4、Changgui Pan, Yinghui Wang(通讯作者), Kefu Yu, Wei Zhang, Jun Zhang, Jing Guo. Occurrence and distribution of perfluoroalkyl substances in surface riverine and coastal sediments from the Beibu Gulf, south China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 150, 110706.
5、Yefeng Cui, Yinghui Wang(通讯作者),Changgui Pan, Ruilong Li, Rui Xue, Jing Guo, Ruiling Zhang. Spatiotemporal distributions, source apportionment and potential risks of 15pharmaceuticals and personalcare products (PPCPs) in Qinzhou Bay, South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 141: 104-111.
6、Linlin Zhang, Shuaipeng Zhang, Jing Guo, Kefu Yu, Yinghui Wang(通讯作者), Ruilong Li. Dynamic distribution of microplastics in mangrove sediments in Beibu Gulf, South China: Implications of tidal current velocity and tidal range. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 399: 399 -406.
7、Ruilong Li, Shuaipeng Zhang, Linlin Zhang, Kefu Yu, Shaopeng Wang, Yinghui Wang(通讯作者). Field study of the microplastic pollution in sea snails (Ellobium chinense) from mangrove forest and their relationships with microplastics in water/sediment located on the north of Beibu Gulf. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 263: 368-375.
8、Linlin Zhang, Shuaipeng Zhang, Yinghui Wang(通讯作者), Kefu Yu, Ruilong Li. The spatial distribution of microplastic in the sands of a coral reef island in the South China Sea: Comparisons of the fringing reef and atoll. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 688: 780-786.
9、Bo Zhang, Yinghui Wang(通讯作者), Xingying Tang, Shaopeng Wang, Chaoshuai Wei , Rui Wang, Wei Zhang. Oxidation of high iron content electroplating sludge in supercritical water: stabilization of zinc and chromium. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26: 15001-15010.
10、Yinghui Wang(王英辉), Junzhuo Liu,Du Kang, ChenxiWu*, Yonghong Wu. Removal of pharmaceuticals andpersonal care products fromwastewater using algae-based technologies: areview. Reviews in Environmental Scienceand Bio/Technology, 2017, 16: 717-735.
11、Shang Qian,TangHaifang, Yinghui Wang*(通讯作者), etal. Application of enzyme-hydrolyzedcassava dregs as a carbonsource in aquaculture. SCIENCE OF THETOTALENVIRONMENT, 2018, 615: 681-690.
12、 LiRuilong, WangShaopeng, Yinghui Wang*(通讯作者), etal. Development of a novelmethodology for in vivoquantification of N/O/S-containing polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons located onthe epidermis of mangrove roots using graphene quantumdots as a fluorescencequencher. Marine pollutionbulletin,2018,127: 424-428.
13、L RL,Sun HF,Wang SP , YinghuiWang*(通讯作者), Yu, KF.Retention of CdS/ZnS Quantum Dots(QDs) on the RootEpidermis of Woody Plant and Its Implications by Benzo[a]pyrene:Evidence fromthe in Situ Synchronous Nanosecond Time-Resolved FluorescenceSpectra Method. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 2018,66(4): 814-821.
14、Zhang RJ, Zhang RL, Yu KF, YinghuiWang*(通讯作者), et al. Occurrence, sources and transportof antibiotics in thesurface water of coral reef regions in the South ChinaSea: Potential risk tocoral growth. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2018, 232: 450-457 .
16、Pei Jiying,HsuCheng-Chih, Yinghui Wang*(通讯作者), etal. Corona discharge-inducedreduction of quinones in negativeelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry.RSCADVANCES, 2017,7(69): 43540-43545.
17、Pan Changgui, YuKefu, YinghuiWang*(通讯作者), etal. Species-specific profiles and risk assessment of perfluoroalkylsubstancesin coral reef fishes from the South China Sea. Chemosphere ,2017,191:450-457.
18、Jiying Pei, KefuYu, YinghuiWang*(通讯作者). Thermal burstingionization forambient mass spectrometry. RSC Advances, 2016, 6:2496-2499.
19、Daoquan Xu, YinghuiWang*(通讯作者),Ruijie Zhang, Jing Guo, WeiZhang, Kefu Yu*. Distribution, speciation,environmental risk, and sourceidentification of heavy metals in surfacesediments from the karst aquaticenvironment of the Lijiang River, SouthwestChina. Environment Science andPollution Research, 2016, 23(9): 9122-9133.
20、Baiyang Jiang, Jianhua Chen,Qiqing Luo, Junxiang Lai, Huixin Xu, Yinghui Wang*(通讯作者), KefuYu*. Long-TermChanges in Water Quality and Eutrophication of China’s LiujiangRiver. Polishjournal of environmental studies, 2016, 25:3, 1033-1043.
21、Weitao Wang, YinghuiWang*(通讯作者),Ruijie Zhang, Shaopeng Wang,Chaoshuai Wei, Kefu Yu. Seasonal Characteristicsand Current Sources of OCPs andPCBs and Enantiomeric Signatures of Chiral OCPsin the Atmosphere of Vietnam. Science of theTotalEnvironment, 2016, 542 : 777-786.
22、Shaopeng Wang, YinghuiWang*(通讯作者), RuijieZhang, Weitao Wang,Daoquan Xu, Jing Guo, Pingyang Li, Kefu Yu. Historicallevels of heavy metalsreconstructed from sedimentary record in the HejiangRiver, located in a typicalmining region of Southern China. Science of theTotal Environment, 2015, 532:645-654.
23、Pingyang Li, RuiXue , YinghuiWang*(通讯作者), RuijieZhang, Gan Zhang. Influence of anthropogenic activities onPAHs in sediments ina significant gulf of low-latitude developing regions, theBeibu Gulf, SouthChina Sea: Distribution, sources, inventory and probabilityrisk. MarinePollution Bulletin, 2015, 90: 218-226.